Our Work

N Project Name The beneficiary Location Year
1 Supply of chemical materials to Russian Co. Lukoil specializing into excavation works Badra oilfield Badra oilfield 2018
2 Providing food and restaurant services to the Chinese company DPAB Halfaya oilfield-petrochina CpF 3 2018
3 Execution of road works and capstone with the Chinese company DPAB Halfaya oilfield-petrochina CpF 3 2018
4 The project of the brick wall with the company of Noor Baghdad for contracts for the benefit of the company ( CPECC) Halfaya oilfield-petrochina CpF 3 2018
5 Implementation of the dust work and trench of the security work Halfaya oilfield-petrochina CpF 3 2017
6 A contract for the Supply of construction materials, machinery and working Halfaya oilfield-petrochina CpF 3 2017
7 Carrying out electrical and Mechanical Works with Ghayath General Halfaya oilfield-petrochina CpF 3 2017
8 SUPPLY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE POWER LINE FOR external Halfaya oilfield-petrochina CpF 3 2017
9 Supply concrete/ Chinese Company (DPAB) Halfaya oilfield-petrochina CpF 3 2017
10 Supply of construction Materials (DPAB) Halfaya oilfield-petrochina CpF 3 2017
11 Supply of concrete irons / Chinese Company (DPAB) Halfaya oilfield-petrochina CpF 3 2017
12 Supply of construction materials, signs and manpower with Abraj Al-Amir Halfaya oilfield-petrochina CpF 3 2017
13 Supply of materials and implementation of the internal security fence (5500) Halfaya oilfield-petrochina CpF 3 2017
14 Executing civil works and supplying machinery and construction Korean Co. STX Alkhala gas power station 2014
15 Execution of stores Ministry of trade Mesan Governorate 2013
16 Establishment of a school for the Directorate of Education /Maysan province Mesan Governorate 2007
17 The casting of the concrete bases for the gas station Ministry of Electricity / Maysan Governorate 2014
18 Rehabilitation of the power station of Abu Essa and Jamelat al-Hasa Ministry of Electricity / Maysan Governorate 2013
19 Supply and implementation of the concrete works of the high pressure Ministry of Electricity West Karbala Station 2007
20 Establishment of 12- class primary school Maysan Governorate 2014
21 Rehabilitation and renovation of two vocational schools in Baghdad Rusafa Ministry of Education Baghdad / Rusafa 2013
22 Implementation of swage in kahlaa Maysan Governorate 2012
23 Constructing road of AI-Batera 5 km Maysan Governorate 2007
24 Construction maintenance workshop in Bazargan Bazargan Field Maysan Oil Company 2007
25 Establishment of 4 organizations in the province of Maysan Ministry of Water Resources 2018
26 Supplying concrete for projects of electric power production Ministry of Electricity 2015
27 Demolition and reconstruction of a school in Maysan Maysan Governorate 2006
28 Construction of Jezana road 8 km Maysan Governorate 2006